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[v2.94b] Consistent and reproducible client crash
I am aware that this bug probably has some other, unknown, factors behind its cause, as the possible ways to trigger it is fairly common and I haven't heard about anyone else that has this issue.

Any time I try to examine an item that is not in my own inventory, the client crashes. Meaning the client crashes on trying to examine any item in bank tab, examining items on other players, or examining items in the crafting menu.

Further context; Before update 2.85 and the change it introduced to item descriptions I would frequently time out when trying to load item descriptions, and the description window would display a failed to connect error without crashing the client. Retrying once or twice would usually result in the item description being loaded properly.

On live, any event leading to a crash displays an empty / white page description box, which is followed up by the client closing itself half a second or so later.

If the item succeed at loading its description, there are times where the icon will not load, displaying a white X.
What is your BYOND version?
Current version is 515.1647.

The issue has been present since pre-korvara, and the apropiate versions of BYOND for that time. Examining items causing the item description window to time out and not load any information, but it is only as of game update 2.85 (march 2024) that this results in a client crash.

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I also have a thing where the window turns white and lags my computer out when opening items or whatever for the first time as I log in. Been that way for over a year though, BYOND's Weird sometimes.
Update as of byond version 516.1657 & Korvara version 2.96d

I am no longer experiencing crashes when loading items that aren't in my own inventory.
Items that previously caused crashes do not load the icon in their description on the first examination of descriptions, a second viewing of the item description seems to fix this.

Some other minor bugs and changes to visuals due to running the latest version of byond, but as the main issue of crashing has been fixed I will remain on the latest version.
The bugs, for reference, are:

On the player profile, the guild icon only takes up the upper left quarter of the area assigned to it
The guild pages background colour is a deeper shade of red
The scroll bar on the side of item description window and guild tab is of a different design than previously.

Can probably consider this bug report as closed / client side issue.

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