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Boring Bandits need a Buff
Right now, bandits are a bit boring, and pretty weak as well, so i have a few suggestions:

1: Give them Prescribed potions at higher levels instead of stabilizers, if someone is doing damage in the 100's then a stabilizer is just pathetic healing.

2: Give them classes, maybe even replace what they currently are with how Arena Combatants work. They are people (according to Air) and should have the same abilities a person in Sigrogana can have.

2a: Better equipment, Right now they just all have the same things, not very realistic for bandits. Their weapons should be randomized like they'd looted and stolen things to fight with like a bandit.

3: Better Boss Fights, So far it just feels like going into a boss fight is the equivalent of having switched to a crazy dungeon, maybe give the boss abilities that boosts his allies instead of just having more allies.

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