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New Maneuver: Strategize
I like the idea, I feel like it could alleviate some of the issues I find in combat like preparing your Skills in advance depending on your opponent and having Skills that are only good in certain situations.

For instance, let's say I have Riposte, if my opponent is a Mage of some sort, it's unlikely to be of any help to me. Another example is say I'm a Black Knight with the Steel Blood skill, if your opponent can't Poison you to begin with, it's effectively wasting a Slot.

Though, here's how I think it should work in combat:

- Strategize is a seperate menu option, like Skip.
- When you use Strategize, it first brings up a list of your Skills that you don't have Equipped.
- If you have available Skill Slots, it will be Equipped, costs are then applied.
- If not, after selecting the first option, you then get a second list of what Skills you have equipped to replace it with.
- After selecting the Skill to replace, the Skills are swapped and costs are then applied.

I just hope something like this won't be too clunky to implement.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]

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