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Martial Artist Kip-Ups
Kip up is one of the worst offenders for "Why should we use this class? Oh right, this one innate."

It gives, practically, KD immunity, but also is something that you just simply.. get. 3 SP to fully remove the possibility of ever getting KD'd. What do I suggest?

Two things, I guess. Remove the ability to Kip-up whilst in heavy (or maybe even light!) armor. If removing the ability to kip-up in light, add the ability for it to only restore some of your momentum, rather than all. It makes it quite a bit better than it is now with BK's just.. nabbing Monk Main because "Oh, I can get 10% resist all and a ton of other stuff? Nifty."

It really helps. While we're at it.. can we please-please-please look at how overwhelmingly good MA is as a base class? Like, it's already stellar, but.. maybe nerfing some things in it will make it somewhat better than tossing a ton of new skills at it without balancing what it already has.

Complaints I have; I guess... Which also leads to one of their better Promotions.
Meditate: SKI healing. Pretty good, actually.
Shukuchi: A more costly Charge that doesn't get neat stuff attached to it.
Kip Up: Need I say more?
Dodge Strike: Actually useless a good chunk of the time.
Dodge Innates: Pretty good, 'balanced' sort of.
Cleanse Body: It's.. a WIL based.. skill.. in a class that.. doesn't actually get WIL growths that well. This really should be changed to just use SKI instead. Everyone gets a decent bit of SKI. Not many get good WIL.
Class: This class is good for EVERYONE. Don't have the stats for it? No problem, use and abuse it for its innates.

Every stat is an offensive stat, even your defense!
Literally everyone wants this class mained because 10% Resist all OP.
Aid: Yet another time where the class has a skill that.. isn't based on any stat it gains??? This is literally a free shitton of healing for High WIL characters that also generates a decent bit of KI to get to 10% resist all quicker. It also.. moves you some? Which is kinda nice, because it forces most people to move back into melee with you.
BoI: Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk your powerful attack that you've spent 2+ turns telegraphing. I don't care.
Dense Thunder: TRAIL OF THE DRAGON. ((Free Knockdown for days. And if you're slower than your opponent, you'll never suffer the negatives of losing KI because you'll regen it by next round))

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