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Party Management Menu
"But Ran, we don't need that, just cick the portraits!"

That's not what I'm talking about. Just getting that out of the way.

For a long time, we've been wondering why we can't use skills (like Graft) outside of battle. Between it simply not being a function and concerns about it being unfair in favor of some classes (Example: Monk effectively being a walking inn for itself between power up and meditate) it's never seen proper consideration. But I think I've come up with a solution. Much like the Youkai Management menu, the Party Management Menu would be another menu on the right of the screen.

Actions taken inside the party management menu take time, like picking locks or repairing damage. Time during which your party is vulnerable to monster attacks. It also uses mental stamina, so you can't do it every battle. Lastly, for the sake of skills like Meditate that also give FP, a global "One use from the party menu between battles" limit is likely to be implemented. So you can't just spam Meditate until you're fully healed.

Party Management Menu Functions:

1) Use Item. Items are universal access; anyone can use them. Items take 10 seconds to properly use (either apply bandages, or pass someone a potion that they need to uncork and fully drink, etc) and cost no Mental Stamina. This woud also make an NPC potion shop for more middle-tier potions like PR-Stabilizers or even Bue Potions a tempting cash sink for characters who take a beating. Due to potion sickness, only one potion may be drank by each party member between battles, but bandages can be applied repeatedly.

2) Use Skill. Skill time varies based on FP cost + Momentum cost. I'm leaning 5 seconds per momentum + an additonal second per 5 FP as a starting amount for a trial run (Example: Level 5 Graft would take 17 seconds to cast, while Meditate would take 30) FP is consumed as normal, and Mental Stamina is consumed at a rate based on how many seconds a skill takes.

3) Friend/Foe markings. Inspired by Tales of the Abyss actually explaining why magic doesn't hurt your allies and why powerful spells around civilians is not an option, an option to toggle an ally as a "Friend" or "Foe" in the menu woud have many uses. For example, if a Ghost doesn't want to be healed, just toggle it as a Foe so it can't be affected by Mass Graft, Malmelo, Phoenix, Discharge, etc. Likewise, you could similarly use this to help wound said ghost to get quick access to Rising Game stats, or to help Lupines/Felidaes/Leporidaes/Grimalkins get their low hp bonuses sooner. And, of course, this can be used for some great Roleplay betrayals mid-BDP!

Anyways, it's still just an idea that definitely needs some tweaking. Anyone have any input?
*loud burp*

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