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Appearances & Communication
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tl;dr My faceicon and description were that of teddy bears, and Sly (who I didn't know was Sly and a GM until others said so at the end of the spiel) confronted me about why I was a teddy bear.

Now, there are plenty of other players who have non-realistic/strange faceicons, descriptions, and IC interactions (whether temporarily or otherwise) that, as far as I'm aware, do not get confronted. Skeletons with a Sans/Papyrus playby despite there being no skeleton race and the closest thing to that (Liches) still not fitting. Mechanations that go insane, can get pregnant, or otherwise experience everything that non-artificial life experiences. Players with faceicons of real life people or giant baby faces or what have you that obviously don't fit their character or the ingame universe. There are plenty of examples of folks in the grey area. That's why looking like a teddy bear didn't seem like a big deal, in my mind, and because I had never explained or gave out what I was in IC, I could have been anything from an IC-standpoint. A human in a costume, a mechanation in a suit, a dullahan that had fucked up, whatever. It was definitely never said, by me, that I was an actual teddy bear or anything that wasn't a race on the race board. So when someone I don't know comes out of nowhere and tells me that I can't play a stuffed animal, that doesn't register as 'Oh, this is an admin inquiring about how my character might be breaking the rules', it came off as a random asshole breaking up IC with antagonizing OOC when they didn't have the whole picture and just had 'people complaining to them' over skype.

When I've seen GMs confront people before, whether it's about this sort of issue or something else, I never thought they made a mistake or went too far. The way they handled those situations seemed fair. So for my first interaction with a GM to involve unwarranted aggression and disrupting RP on a supposedly mandatory RP game, I'm pretty taken aback and shocked. I didn't know that GMs did not have a formal method of communicating with potential rulebreakers or really just anyone that they needed to contact. I could have been privately messaged about it- and if GMs don't have a PM function and don't have my skype/key, there's no reason why I can't be dragged off to somewhere more private and be told 'Hey yo, you're not actually a magical stuffed animal, right?' and I'd go 'Oh nah man' and then there would have been no issues. And like I said in the logs I pastebinned, I understand that you can't have leniency with the race thing because then people would be ridiculous shit and the tiny specks of plot that struggle to exist would be obliterated by tumblrites and otherkin- but my faceicons/description weren't that of anything divine or draconic or dimension-shifting or what have you. It was just a big teddy bear. Could be plenty of things, but hey, you don't know for sure, because it just looks like a teddy bear. Just because I look like a teddy bear in IC doesn't mean that I actually am one, and my attempts to make that clear before weren't taken well.

So what's the point of this topic? It's definitely not about the teddy bear, honestly. It's about the interaction between GMs and players, which I didn't even know was an issue before, but apparently it is and I just haven't experienced it until now, according to my peers. So. I'm not requesting special treatment or consideration, just basic human respect and decency. There's no need to assume the worst of someone, especially when they've never caused a problem OOC'ly before and aren't doing something that is very antagonizing, like text spam. I can't speak for anyone else, but if you need something of me, just by revealing to me that you're a GM and not coming out the cut with attitude/aggression will get you 100% compliance from me. And if I'm genuinely in the wrong, I have no issue with changing my faceicons/description or correcting absolutely anything else. It was a literal non-problem that the GM (and whoever was whining to said GM) made a problem, and...

I'd like to know what others think. Do I make a point, am I making a mountain out of a molehill, etc etc. Hit me.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

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