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Appearances & Communication
Disclaimer: You asked what people think, so I'm sharing what I think. I'm not picking on you. My post is more "in general" and I am not aiming to single you out or anything. I'll also say up front that I've had a GM warn me for something that was 100% false ("Antagonizing" by asking them if they could kindly stop spamming OOC with gibberish leet song lyrics, one word per line, so the rest of us could discuss stuff, and then promptly getting ganged up on by the spammers and told off by a GM for getting them riled up. I'm still annoyed about that one. That was bullshit. So let's just say I'm not exactly a GM lapdog. But I also know that is not the norm.

For starters, the tutorial gives every new player a link to the server rules, therefore no one is allowed to claim ignorance about not knowing the rules, since they chose to not read them of their own volition. And the rules state:


4 - Character races that are not given at character creation are not allowed. The race you select is the race you are; it's as simple as that.

(This wasn't always the case, but it was changed a long time ago. You used to be able to use an existing race to represent something else within reason, but I guess this led to a lot of stupidity and/or metagaming, because yeah, it was changed a long time ago.)

You may be wondering why I bring all this up. Simply put, a lot of people do stupid things and the GMs get a lot of backtalk for trying to enforce the rules, giving the community a negative impression of them. As such, considering how much backtalk they get, I cannot fault them if they seem a little short and aggressive in their enforcements. After all, not everyone is mature enough to admit their mistake, apologize, and work together with the GM to fix it. The more common reaction is for people to get butthurt they aren't getting their way and then complain about it to other people. Yes, Sly could have been more up front about being a GM, but you also shouldn't expect people to accuse you of rulebreaking just to be assholes; even a normal player pointing that out is just trying to help out by making it so you don't need to interact with the GMs directly, in order to make everyone's lives easier. (Or, admittedly, they could just be mistaken about the rules, but a quick check to the rule page - which they should pull up anyways so you can link them to it to show them - would clarify that.)

So basically... the whole situation could have been handled better, yes, but the GMs are generally decently fair and just have a bad reputation because people get butthurt about not getting their way. I see no issue with how Sly addressed the situation. If roleplay was being done at all, the race was an issue.
*loud burp*

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