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Tome Specials
I'm fully expecting this idea to be shot down, but maybe it'll spark a better one.

As it stands now, tomes largely just exist to boost spell power (which Spelledge weapons also do.) As weapons, they're underwhelming. There's very little variance between tomes as with other weapon types (Compare armor piercers, bonus elemental damage, leylines, bonus crit damage, different ranges, poison, different AoEs, Vampiric Effects, etc, to tomes we have.) I feel they coud stand to be more interesting.

Let's just say... Tomes really do need something to set them apart, considering the lack of tome-specific skills.

My proposal: Each tome gets 3 different kinds of attacks, accessible via a trait (like Special Attack 1 currenty is) These effects...

- have varying AOEs, effects, and power
- have accuracy checks
- use durability, possibly more than 1 depending on effect
- Can cost FP depending on the effect.
- vary from tome to tome (but some may be repeated a few times)
- count as a normal attack for the sake of innates/passives

Example: (X = Empty space, T = Target square, P = Player) -15 hit, +5 power, 2 Durability, 0 FP



- Tomes for attacking (Tactician, possibly hexer for Sadistic Renewal) become more viable
- More variety
- Accuracy checks opens avenues for unique skills we don't presently see in spell lists due to autohits (example: A low accuracy, high risk high reward all or nothing bast)
- Divine on tomes will actually matter if you use these.


- If every class that uses Tomes gets these, they can feel samey.
- Creating and balancing these skills (factoring in the tomes themselves) would undoubtedly be a hassle

*shrug* thoughts?
*loud burp*

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