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"[url= Wrote:Snake » Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:16 pm[/url]"]Tbh, it's ''fair'' only because it's eating 30 Ki and your golden glow. And Ki is pretty dank to charge if you're a non-Willpower Monk.

This was my first thought, but it's dawned on me that I've never actually used Kadouha and I don't know if there's actually a minimum Ki cost or whatnot. I mean, if it's theoretically spammable, that's one thing. But if it takes a lot of Ki to use and is weaker than Setting Sun...? So I decided to slap Monk on and try it for a bit.

My findings: Kadouha is indeed useable 2x per turn at 0 Ki and still ignores Res. (It also ignores Empty Palms, so a bare fist counts as 5 power.)

Putting the rest of my ramblings in a spoiler tag to keep it compact:

So let's discuss Ki generation/efficiency for a moment before we get back to this.

Even at the absolute most intense charging possible (Main class Monk, R3 spirituality for 6 per round, and 2x R5 Aid) You can get a maximum of 18 in one round for the cost of 32 FP, or 15 for a recovery of 16 FP (Main class Monk, R3 Spirituality, R5 Power Up) So a 30 ki variant takes a few turns between uses.

Kadouha: Fist + Wil + Ki Consumed (Max: 30) for 23 FP
Setting Sun: Str + Fist + Will + Bonus (5-13) for 4 Ki and 10-18 FP.

You don't want to spam Kadouha, because of multiple reasons: FP cost comes to mind, and unless your target laughs at fire, Setting Sun outclasses it in every way at low Ki, (The bonus damage alone makes a difference, even if your strength is garbage.) Even at maximum Ki, Kadouha largely just gets AOE properties - and these properties can conflict (Example: What if you WANT it to Detonate upon impact instead of piercing through?)

Back to the unresistable Kadouha now. Monk is generally a more physical class (0% Wil gain, and a base class offensive skillset scaling almost entirely off Str with the exception of a Cel skill) so it's not like they don't already have a way around Res (Unless an Evoker changed to Monk at 60, of course.) But if a target has good Def AND Res, I completely get why not giving spammable unresisteable damage makes all the sense. BUT. I think a 30 Ki bonus for it to be unresisteable would be fair to offset all the time spent just getting it ready!

TLDR Version: It needs to be resistable. At low Ki amounts at least. But a perk to make a 30 Ki version ignore it would be neat, maybe. Anyways, this is most definitely a bug. If we want to discuss it further, someone can make a Balance Fu thread.
*loud burp*

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