03-11-2016, 10:55 PM
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=12558#p12558 Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:58 am[/url]"]This sounds identical to the previous discussion of "I don't want to use the system and change classes so I can have these and these growths."
And like before, I'm againts adding something like this. Absence of this is no hinderance for those that plan ahead, so it is a redundant feature.
1) Again, this topic was made before I knew how LE destiny was handled and I had only tried it from the character creation menu, since I had no one with spare inks/ ready to LE to check it out on. Because yes, this is an option when creating a new character and it should realistically be viable.
2) No offense, but this mentality has pushed away several new players I've tried to get to join who simply want to jump right in and RP their character fully without oocly grinding . That's perfectly acceptable for a PVP meta, don't get me wrong, but it shouldn't be nearly as important for PVE - which it unfortunately is. Play the "lol, babby doesn't like the system" card all you like, it doesn't change the underlying issue that SL2 is a meta as opposed to having a meta.There's no redundancy in making literally anything besides the meta less shit, especially since the wiki touts the multiclass system as a way to create your ideal character instead of "use X classes for Y stat grinding or suck the big one."
*loud burp*