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Do also keep in mind...

- Nagas DO outregen Glykin, but Glykin are immune to poison. Nagas, meanwhile, regen exactly enough to negate standard (as in, not absurdly low level poison) poison damage with their resistance. This means Nagas effectively lose their regen when poisoned, as the heal/damage balance out, an issue Glykin never need to even consider. Not to mention Lunel's Decay having a field day with them.

- Nagas DO share WT poison resist, but don't gain any benefits from it/ can't self-inflict it for bonuses. WT may have 5% Less will growth, but also 20% more Str growth, and at level 60, gain 15 strength when biting themselves, in addition to +5 FP per turn. Nagas just resist it. Nothing more, nothing less. WT outright benefit from it.

- Nagas DO get Wrap, but... I'm going to go out on a Limb and assume most Nagas carry Tomes, because of magedom. "It can bypass resistance to your weapon's damage type!" So, Book Smack, then? Not even joking, Book Smack is available to all tome users, not just Nagas, and a lot of the time, -1/-2m is every bit as crippling as immobilize/ some people don't even blink at immobilize.

- Nagas DO get Coil, but the 1m cost was a mistake and it should be 3+ (+ meaning it ends your turn.) And this is basically the only real problem: It's better than a normal 3M Guard once you factor in the level scaling benefit, as you can get to 40% Reduction for 3M AND a 10 hp/fp recovery, instead of a 30% reduction for the same cost. Just remove the level scaling benefit on coil, and problem solved.

Yes. Nagas are powerful. But I think people are simply overlooking a lot of the interactions between racial abilities and various scenarios that give other serpentkin their edge, and simply declaring Nagas as better from a kneejerk perspective. Just remove Coil's level bonus and lock them out of footwear, and they're pretty fine.
*loud burp*

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