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[Feedback/ Suggestions] Tomb Investigation Quest
I'll give a quick (and hopefully concise) response based off things you addressed and my personal experience with the event (this has no particular order and only responses from Purple's initial post will be given in this):

-Hiccups are to be expected, especially when people are involved.

-At times long walls of text are good, sometimes they're not. The Blacksmith being a decent example, I think.

He mentioned a few things that didn't connect well to the story (at least from my take on it) and repeated himself a few times if I recall and said the same thing. Although this makes sense for a bystander character, I felt like it could have been pulled back a bit. I'm also a bit confused why he wasn't particularly fearful of an immense group coming up to him but maybe I missed that part due to the next bit-

-While OOC is fine in small doses, it probably reared up a little too much (at least in my group, granted I was partly to blame) for it to be beneficial to RP. Probably one of the things everyone reading should take away from this thread.

-Some area-based event were hard to distinguish (although this may be in-part due to Chaos having to tackle tracking two groups, sometimes up to four), I knew I went past one spot unknowingly and was pelted with comments about it in both IC-OOC and OOC if I recall.

-About mid-way through the event, the rampant DCs were an obstacle- this made things difficult to relay in the story due to having to IC-OOC and beg for someone to either tl;dr it back to you or to repost.

-On top of that, when you're in back of the group that's going around a corner and stops on said corner (with your character being cut-off) you can't see event text. At all. This killed part of the event for me[strike], especially with Kunai leading,[/strike] a lot more than everything else on the list except for IC-OOC.

-Another example of where events were hard to distinguish were the bandits outside the temple. The exposition for it confused the crap out of me (I think Chaos had something about the bandits "seeming inactive" and I managed to read that as whatever could've been in the temple killed them).

-I would've enjoyed seeing monsters that were similar to another event series going series going on currently (but that's due to me being a Level 60 that tends to use one of the more optimized class combos usually, not everyone at the event was Level 60 or using optimized class combos due to their own character-RP restrictions). Not necessarily the same as said event but ones with altered stats/uncommon Skills/etc for the 'strong'/combat-maniac groups to handle would be nice.

-[strike]I would enjoy an antagonist that I can do things to other than just trip.[/strike] Lastly, the boss seemed a bit over-kill.

Yes, I'm well aware of the fact this was meant to be scripted so the series wouldn't be killed off at Square 1 but it presents a few issues, one being more personal than others (it'll be the one right after this sentence, for clarification). But personally, an invincible boss is something I've always view as horrible taste in Game Designing (even if for an intro/event - that was the personal bit). Yes, it gives the impression they're in a class of their own and that you're not meant to kill them immediately but this can easily be detrimental to RP. Why you ask?

1) Solution! You present a weapon that can be used to kill them- oh wait! Only one person. . . can use said weapon at a time. . . [strike]who will be the chosen one?[/strike] This pidgeon-holes the boss into only being able to die by said item-wielder and everything rests on them, essentially making them -the- focal point of the plot. This can sometimes ruin the RP and make others feel they're "Non-essential" to the plot or progression. . . I feel this one sums it up the best but there are more reasons why this is detrimental to RP (probably winding up hitting on the same note but here I go trying).

2) Like I said, it gives you the impression of they're in a class of their own but at the same time you run the risk of making them seem un-killable and no one likes to try playing a game where you can't win - short and simple. It's a very morale-detrimental concept to work with, it can kill the bond/experience you're trying to make with the RP at Stage One due to you're supposed to try to build intrigue and connectivity through the story you present.

3) Your guess, I've rambled on way too long to be socially accepted.

Overall, I enjoyed myself despite the bumps in the road. I'd definitely be willing to give it another crack in the future. I apologize for the boss bit winding up being almost half the content of the post but I think it needed to be addressed at least somewhat seriously.

P.S. Mission Conciseness = Failed.
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Exxy Izzy

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