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Lantern Bearer Discourse
More Proof of "Why Lantern Bearers suck"... This is, admittedly, an evoker casting, but I was the same class combo for both works but hey. Lets compare.

Jammer takes 205 Wind damage.
--- ROUND 0 ---
--- ROUND 1 ---
Jammer takes 111 Wind damage.

--- ROUND 0 ---
--- ROUND 1 ---
Jammer takes 157 Wind damage.
--- ROUND 0 ---
--- ROUND 1 ---
Malice Jammer takes 84 Wind damage.

This is a Typhur two different ways. Dual Wielding Desert Winds, and with dual wielding Mugendais. This is taken in a POINT BLANK DW, MAX RANGE DW, POINT BLANK MUGEN, MAX RANGE MUGEN format.

So from pointblank to max range with the Desert Winds, we lost about 94 damage, nearly HALF of our total damage, which is pretty bad. For the Mugendai's, they were much less fortunate, they lost 73 damage, which was again, about half of their damage. Now, normally this would be 'okay', but let's compare it to other things... Like Magaisendo with the same stats.

--- ROUND 0 ---
--- ROUND 1 ---
Jammer takes 195 Earth damage.

--- ROUND 0 ---
Jammer takes 97 Earth damage.

--- ROUND 0 ---
--- ROUND 1 ---
Jammer takes 151 Earth damage.

--- ROUND 0 ---
Jammer takes 75 Earth damage.

In this time, we have the same parameters as above. However this time it is with a rank 5 magaisendo at point blank and max range (cross map sniping)

Both times, they lose about 50% of their damage because of this, however their effects? Much, much greater, considering it's not limited to just within 6 squares. Not to mention, for an added 6M, you can overcome a ton of the resistance stat.

So what's the deal? Mages get, quite literally, explosion which is a delayed ticking time bomb that is the same size as LB stuff and gets better damage off at father ranges.

Also, for 'posterities' sake. Lemme give you the stats on my Doriad because this is with ridiculous WIL.

WIL: 91 (94)
TOME POWER: 23 (21)

So for my best results I had going for me... ((91+23+15+10+5)*1.36)*(CLOSE RANGE BENEFIT) with Typhur...

And for Magaisendo?

(91+23+23+10+5)*1.36. Though, none of these numbers really seem to be adding up but hey. Whatever.

This needs to change for Lantern Bearer to even be remotely viable as a class.

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