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Weapon Scaling
So, this isn't so much a relevance to something like magic, because magic (currently) is in a shitty place and needs it.

This is more towards basic attacks and Weapon skills there-upon that get ridiculous amounts of damage, and still do a lot of damage no matter your defensive stats. Let's look at a RANK FIVE Shinken.

This gets (WEAPON STAT SCALING) + WPN POWER.... times 1.5x.

Now that might not seem like a lot, but considering that (WEAPON STAT SCALING) already gets a 1.5x to it. You're essentially getting something like this.

(70% STR, 30% SKI sword)
60 STR (35)
52 SKI (13)
28 Power (SWORD)
Charging Strike
Katana Mastery (10)


A whopping 197 damage before any defense or gear is applied. This isn't even *high* stats. This turns to be 118 damage by the end of it, and the worst part? The character in question hit me for some basic attacks from the ATTACK command right the next turn and did the exact same damage ( No crits due to lichdom ). So where in does the issue lie? The stats are scaling far, far more proportionally than can really be dealt with. Just defense alone isn't enough to, currently, save your rear from dying nigh-instantly to these attacks. Dodge can sometimes save you from being mauled by melee, but the numbers of way to reduce it, or ignore it simply outweigh the options to deal with this high damage. We got higher health, which was a good thing, however in return we got the defensive stat becoming rather.. inert.

Especially whenever we still have skills that can reduce DEF by 15-20 per hit.. Rampaging that can reduce DEF by WPNPOW*1.5... It doesn't take long until Defense becomes useless once again and where you're forced to rely on either high health pools or ridiculous amounts of stacked Physical Damage Reduction.

Generally speaking, why does magic not encounter this issue? Because Magic is kind of god awful in every sense unless your opponent has zero resistance and you're stacking extra damage out the ass. (Death Knight Fear Overload for instance. Smacked someone for 450 damage on an evasion!) Though that requires quite a lot more momentum than just. "I hit you 2-3 times and crit all the times" because of that, you die instantly, or suffer and die next turn unless you're more gimmicky than them.

This really isn't a way that I see the game panning out in the future, especially with things such as Guile being allowed to even remotely exist.

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