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Expanding DONG!
Expanding Ice needs a nerf on damage and the way it can be spammed. Right now, it works like:

Faker takes 149 Ice damage.
Faker takes 28 Ice damage.
Faker takes 28 Ice damage.
Faker takes 28 Ice damage.
Faker takes 28 Ice damage.

Hits once for a nitrogen-cold nuke, then multiple times for a smaller 4-hit DPS that ends up doing around the same the original damage, doubling the total done to the target. (1+1 = 2)

Soooo, why does it need a nerf? Simple:
>Ice tiles are really accessible nowadays due to the traps, badges, Verglas itself and even friendly Ice tiles can be used since the last update.
>Expand Ice can't be resisted/absorbed/immune'd or reflected. (Winter's nomnom)
>Expand Ice can hit and nuke multiple targets, putting it's FP efficiency and Momentum efficiency at the top 5 best (read:broken) skills around.
>Expand Ice can't be counter-played for anything but sanctuary. (No silence, fear, hesitation, charm or Dev knows what else can stop it.)
>Expand Ice doesn't use toned body or muscles. (you get the reference cWink

What I'm suggesting here:
Expanding Ice:
4 Momentum, so it can't be spammed unless your enemy is Weak against it.
at Max Rank: 100% Scaled Ice ATK || 80% Scaled WPN ATK
Each extra tile will do 50% less damage, so the result might be like:

Faker takes 149 Ice damage.
Faker takes 28 Ice damage.
Faker takes 14 Ice damage.
Faker takes 7 Ice damage.
Faker takes 3 Ice damage.

And that's pretty much it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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