06-17-2016, 05:14 PM
Not to be the negative nancy but, I don't see it as fair when youkai whom sometimes all they can do is use their skill to hit an EXTREMELY dodgy character gets a cooldown, so now they're sitting there helplessly, and if they try to hit the enemy, there's a good chance they have riposte which will almost definitely hit them for around 100-200 from experiments against people... I mean maybe certain youkai spells might be better having a cooldown, but not all of them... Possibly ones like Thunder Claw, Hunter Wind, Ruby Beam and Black Rose and Drown getting a 1 round cooldown. Since most summoners if not bonder, will summon about 3-4 at a time with the ability to have MUCH deeper focus pools now. Overall though i'm not in favor of this idea on EVERY spell/skill.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water