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Skill Cooldowns
"Kameron8" Wrote:
"Spoops" Wrote:
"Neus" Wrote:Feel free to list ideas then. I could see 1 round being the default, but what skills would be longer than that? Etc.
Oh, very well then I will.

Graft -> 2 rounds

Mass -> 2 rounds

Lance de Lion -> 3 rounds

Power Gradiation -> 2 rounds

Shuukuchi -> 2 rounds

Charge -> 2 rounds

Checkmate -> 3 rounds

Malmelo - > 3 rounds

Sanctuary -> 3 rounds (Balanced both ways, the priest can wear spiked treads, and the attacker can shove them out in the cooldown period)

Healing Discharge -> 2 rounds

Pheonix -> 2 rounds

Medibot -> 3 rounds

Metalaegis -> 3 rounds(Both of these allow someone to safely kill off the bot without the engineer popping down another one instantaniously)

These are the skills that I'd suggest.

In addition, I'd like to see Aerial Razor, Second Chance, Pulling Shot, Blowback Cannon, and possibly Spell Snatch/Snatch Spell.

Aerial Razor has been nerfed into the dirt.
Second Chance is basically phoenix, but no where near as good with Mass on a cooldown.
Yeah okay I can see Pulling shot since it's stupid right now. Once every 2 rounds?
Blowback Cannon literally already has it's own cooldown. It's an arbalest thing.
Snatching weaves should be a bit harder, yes.

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