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Brown v. Board of Sigrogana
With the addition and changes to some racial skills and the removal of growths, some races in the Beta have been left far behind the average. I will briefly outline the two I think are doing poorly, and potential ideas to buff them if I have any.

1. Humans

The additional +2 skill points and trait do very little in the greater scheme of things. Traits are not uncommon enough for one to be of value, since all of the mandatory ones can be taken without this racial. Getting +2 to every class is nifty, but once again is something that can be accomplished by simply taking a trait for it. (One can argue it's the same as taking every single class trait, which is 8 whole traits, but that would imply the character switches between every single class in the game. That is an unreasonable assumption to make.)

I have two vague ideas of what could be done to buff humans. The first, giving them an additional 10-20 skill points at level 60 to distribute, plays into their "easily adaptable, quick to learn" nature. The second idea is quite similar: give humans better scaling with Aptitude in the form of improved ratios or a later soft cap for that stat. Please note that these are two separate ideas, I am not suggesting both be implemented together.

2. Mechanations

Previously the powerhouse race, Mechs on Live give extremely solid growths, and provide two free resistances in exchange for a single weakness. They did not fair well on the port over to beta. With growths eliminated, their different models represent minute differences in base stats that translate into very little in the big picture. Their resistances were dulled while their weakness remained the same, and the only other skill they possess is being great pack mules.

I don't have a great change for Mechs off the top of my head, but it would be nice if they were given something that made each model feel different. It certainly feels like any class that has no benefits from Sanctity end up doing poorly as a race, with Corruption being the exception since they gain their benefits by simply NOT putting points into it.

I'm sure there are other races besides these two that deserve mention (probably Doriad, Hyattr, and possibly Papilion), but I don't have any experience playing those races and would be ill suited to try and comment on their relative strength.

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