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One Overslash
One Overcharge doesn't seem to apply to anything that is mutated into a gun, for example, a Braver Replica or Mythslayer that is mutated would turn into a gun, however they do not gain a round upon being mutated, I was told that this isn't a bug a very long time ago, and I agree, it probably isn't a bug, but due to the nature of MG shells actually being resistible now, I feel confident in actually putting up this thread.

Proposal: Weapons being mutated into a gun will gain 1 round, counting towards MG's One Overcharge, and the dreaded Desperado Bullet Barrier cheese that can be used to completely counter said mutated guns and make it un-fun to play against.

Alternatively: One Overcharge also applies to guns with no rounds.

Any thoughts?

I just think gun-swords are really cool ;;7
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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