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Crit here crit there! (duelist balance discussion)
Regular Attacks with Tactician, all crits that land

7 - 6 (weapon 1 used to get) -5 (weapon 2 used to get) - 1 (weapon 1 used to get) or 2 (skill that procs Basic Attack and Critical to get, most likely followed by a 2M buff, either a Wind or Sharpen) - 0 (End Turn)

Dagger Dance with Tactician, all crits that land

7 - 8 (weapon 1 used to get) - 5 (weapon 2 used to get) or 4 (weapon 1 to get) ---

Regular Attacks with Tactician, all crits that land -- Without the additional Momentum from Fluer

7 - 5 (weapon 1 used to get) - 3 (weapon 2 used to get) - 0 (skill used to get)


I remember making an argument about how Vorpal is over-powered to be met with the "It's a chance within a chance" argument and the same applies in this instance (Hit % < 100%? You may miss altogether. Crit % < 100%? You may not be refunded that Momentum).

Yes, let us nerf something without an actual need to. Unless this is an actual discussion topic; in which case I stick to my original "scapegoating Fluer is silly." This isn't an issue.
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Exxy Izzy

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