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On GM Events.
As a Dm, and professional Dnd nerd chaos

Quote:-To ensure that players cannot easily run out of the bomb's way, a fleet of mechanations will serve as a barrier to try and prevent escape (multiple mechanation minions have been attacking the area; if this was a planned stunt, it wouldn't be too unusual for them to roll in as a unit)
-Trying to forcefully push through the minions should be near-impossible (they are known for being not only heavy and well-suited for taking physical blows, but also know how to abuse their weight, if their knockdown gimmick is any indication)
-Removing the bomb from the scene should not be easy for the players, and to prevent potential dickery, it should take more than one or two strikes against the bomb to forcefully detonate it
-The bomb is on a timer; this is mostly to provide a necessity to deal with the bomb, and push for action if absolutely necessary, since I'm not going to actually put people on a timer (that bit would fail due to how long it can take for some people to reply, and potential AFKs)

edit: after clarity on what happpend, chaos gave plenty of chances to interact with plot, they just might not have been obvious enough

on the positive Side, everyones being civil and trying to improve on this. Gm's haven't had quite the go ahead to to make events up till recent, I'm sure with time chaos will come up with a system that works well for everyone involved in the event.

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