08-13-2016, 01:52 PM
- Tarson now has an option for 'none' when selling him monsters; the sell all now displays the total amount of Murai you will receive, as well.
* Bug Reports
- Capture is now properly given by having ranks in Take Prisoner.
- Cancel on custom inputs was causing the player to be unable to move.
- White Spirits no longer cause issues with leveling up skills or show incorrect rank totals on the skill board screen.
- Black Spirit damage bonus was applying to all targets instead of those of a specific race.
- The talent icon will properly show whether or not you have unspent talent points.
- The companions window will update after successfully converting a prisoner.
- Tarson now has an option for 'none' when selling him monsters; the sell all now displays the total amount of Murai you will receive, as well.
* Bug Reports
- Capture is now properly given by having ranks in Take Prisoner.
- Cancel on custom inputs was causing the player to be unable to move.
- White Spirits no longer cause issues with leveling up skills or show incorrect rank totals on the skill board screen.
- Black Spirit damage bonus was applying to all targets instead of those of a specific race.
- The talent icon will properly show whether or not you have unspent talent points.
- The companions window will update after successfully converting a prisoner.