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[Duelist/Kensei] Offensive Skills
Half and half is a bad idea in my opinion, as shown by skills such as Beowhulf's special attack, and the Tactician Dualpower (where I go from gaining awesome STR and average SKI from Soldier, then suddenly 50 STR and 35 SKI is worse than 100% STR). Duelist and Kensei do have a higher SKI growth than STR growth, but I don't think that would quite be the right answer either, as I would think (or hope, but who am I kidding) that most people using Duelist and Kensei are using it for melee-oriented tasks, as well as that most people have Duelist and Kensei in the sub slot so are hopefully getting more STR from another melee oriented main class. But that's just assumptions on my part, of course.
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