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[RP/Out of Fights suggestion] Sanctity's use out of fights? (Closed)
(This post is susceptible to be edited A LOT of times, because it's community collaboration oriented, so yeah. If you can/want to add to it, do it by giving your opinion/suggestion below, thanks.)

So, I've been noticing the lack of iterations the game gives us outside PvP. And I'm in the mood to write, so... Based on a Lupine Guard's struggle to try and hear two criminal scums whispering, here you go.

'What if Sanctity mattered outside battles?'
And then, a small list I have in mind:

For Lupines, Felidaes and Grimalkins, SAN above 20 = They can hear whispers in double the range it reaches. (4 squares, in this case.)

For Leporidaes, SAN above 20 = They can hear whispers in double-plus-two-squares the range it reaches. (6 squares, in this case.).

For Corbies, SAN above 20 = They can 'see' wemotes as if they were normal emotes.

For Phenexes, SAN above 20 = They regenerate 15% HP/FP of their party, per IG hour tick.

For Vampires, SAN above 20 = At hour 0 (midnight)'s tick, all of their wounds/illnesses are healed (read: deleted), HP/FP are recovered by 75%.

For Zerans, SAN above 20 = They get the effects of Haggle trait, passively.

For Liches, SAN above 20 = They regenerate 20% HP/FP passively, per IG hour tick.

For Dullahans, SAN above 20 = Their weapons' durability are repaired by +4, per hour tick.

For Doriads, SAN above 20 = Their planted crops fully grow (read: skip all growth processes, as if Miracle Fertilizer'd) within the next IG hour tick.

For Mechanations, SAN above 20 = They regenerate an extra 50% of their Physical Stamina and Mind Stamina per IG hour tick.

For Redtails, SAN above 20 = They can bake Fortune Cookies in a stove, it just gives a random fortune text before eating.

For Serpentkin, SAN above 20 = They regenerate HP/FP 4x faster around a camping firepit.

For Humans, SAN above 20 = They get +1 Prayer LV bonus.

For Corrupted, SAN above 20 = They no longer get bothered by Iahsus's tantrums.

PS: 1 edit = 1 smile at community collab
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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