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Shine Swords and Spectre Swords
Both of these swords are rare, high level swords that require the associated element's stat to rise. And while they are cool and nifty in their own regard; I feel with Shine Swords being the supposed 'Paladin' sword, it's silly it does not effect Mercana magics. It seems like it was designed to be used for people who wanted to play a more paladin-like class, only for the weapon to fall off short because well--- to cast magic while wielding it you need to dual-wield. But Paladins don't dual wield; they either double-hand or carry big shields of holy might!

I think Spectre Swords should act as spell edges ONLY for Huggessoan domain spells, and Shine Swords should be act as spell edges ONLY for Mercana domain spells.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord