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Knife Syndrome
Okay, so there's a pretty popular thing going around right now where, to be good in the current PvP meta/be a special snowflake/gloat about beating someone with a butter knife/hilt/pebble/etc, people RP their swords as knives, and axes as knives, and spears as knives, and guns as knives, and bows as knives, and staves as fists, and katanas as claws, and knives as fish...

Obviously, this is getting way out of hand. Yes, it's fair for weapons that aren't represented mechanically (scythe, gunblade, etc) and there's obviously going to be some leeway for weapons that are mutated or qualify as other types, but there's no good reason to be calling a staff a fist just so you can use Turnover with it, especially when there's a skill that lets you do just that. No, "fists suck in the current meta!" and "b-but my other character uses fists!" are not good reasons.

tl;dr: Can people please start using their actual god damn weapon types? They exist for a reason.

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