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Lore Questions: November (2016)
More Vampire stuff.

So we know becoming a vampire cures diseases and whatnot, but what about curses?

Since there are Elves and Vampires old enough to know, what was the world like before the Enlightenment?

Vampires being the political sort, do they generally operate as some kind of collective, or do they just kind of do their own thing for the most part, or what? If there's a group, can we get some kind of hierarchy listed?

Which races can't leave behind ghosts after they die? What about animals and such?

How unusual are sentient magical talking pets, since that's what most pet kits are used for?

Given certain story events I think it's fairly safe to assume "familiars" exist, so can we get some information on them? How they're created, what they can be used for, etc.

Other than what's represented ingame, like the elemental buffs and item enhancement, what are some other things you can do with enchanting?

How are polygamy/adultery seen in the eyes of the law/church/general population? (Preferably in more detail than "It depends on the region/culture.&quotWink

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