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What does the fox say?
You must have more FP.

So, Verglas fox tree. Aside from it having abysmally lower damage than pretty much any of the other possible trees at a higher FP cost by 2-3x... This tree suffers horrendously from the fact that it just doesn't feel good.

Icicle spear requires 9(10) momentum to actually use. Summon a pillar ( or crawling spikes ), IPG, then Icicle Spear.

This attack not only wastes 3m from IPG (unless you kept IPG up and just wanted to cross-map snipe someone. In which case, there are better options. It forces you to summon an ice pillar, or to just use crawling spikes. Which is HIGH on it's cost.

Here's an FP rundown of how much you have to use to use this attack once.

Pillar 10fp (can use crawling Spikes for 42fp here and get an attack in)
Guard 10fp
Spear 42fp.

So, in one variation, it takes 62fp to use this attack that does 110% wpn atk and 90% ice attack. In the other variation, you get to attack one extra time with crawling spikes (110% ice attack, 90% weapon attack) for an extra 32fp over the normal method. This is just assuming the last tile in the line is empty and that you have ICE POINT equipped anyways (SP and skill slots down the drain yo).

Now, this normally wouldn't be too much of an issue... but then you get to look at other base class skills. Peddling Wheel? 125% weapon atk. 18 fp. Same distance, moves you (nerfed to be stopped by immobilize but thats a story for another day)

Miu, a base class spell from mage ? 120% ice, 100% wpn atk, 18 fp (same range, same ice tile effect). The only difference is that it can be silenced, which is, personally, ignoreable for the purpose of this discussion.

Crawling spikes, a promotion class skill, takes over double the fp a base class skill costs, and does less damage. This is on a class that, generally, won't have too much in the way of FP because WIL is kind of a bad stat for them since Verglas (used) to focus on other shit. Ice attack? Skill. Most fist weapons? Strength (though one uses half WIL). The FP cost on this Crawling Spikes doesn't justify it's piss poor damage, nor how horribly it combos with the rest of the class (it's meant to be combo'd with cold front. We know. The damage there is shitty too).

That's the issue with Crawling Spikes. Icicle Spear is pretty much the exact same way. Except takes a shitton more momentum, and is pretty much never going to actually see the light of day besides maybe one gimmick build that consists of just watching the world freeze (alongside SL2).

So. HOW DO WE FIX THE THING?! Well. To put it bluntly, it needs a bit of an overhaul.

Fox tree shit needs to be thrown down in FP cost... well. Crawling Spikes and Icicle spear do. Fuck Expanding Ice.

Icicle spear should be able to be cast without IPG active. However it should cost the same FP as it does now and go on cooldown for 5 turns if used in that way.

IF You have IPG up, Icicle spear should cost half as much FP, and have no cooldown on it after you use it in such a method. (Possibly even have a lower momentum cost, but that's a story for another day).

Crawling Spikes will be fine if it's FP just gets reduced.

Now the Ice Point stuff. This is where things get TRICKY.

Ice Skate should be lowered down to 2m. Since it requires you to skate on you (or an allies) ice. It's relatively useless, but could be neat.
Ice Point should be considered a BEAR stance skill.
Ice Point Greaves should be considered a HARE stance skill.
Ice Point Guard should be considered a FOX stance skill.

What this allows for players to do is synergize the class better. (and this will actually nullify most of the grief about icicle spear being a huge-fuckin delay).

You want a 1-turn Icicle Spear? 3m Ice Point. 2m IPG. 2m Icicle Spear (7m)

Next turn? Ice skate (2m), Ice Point (3m), Ice Point Greaves (2m).

It creates a lot more synergy with the class. Also I've been rambling on a bit.

Gist: Make Fox skills have bearable FP costs, besides Expanding Ice.

Make Ice Skate 2m. Make Ice Point a Bear stance skill, Ice point Greave a Hare stance skill, and Ice Point Guard a Fox Stance skill.

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