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Donation Item Suggestions
Neryf's House Development Kit

Ever wanted to make your house, mansion, castle, or even large town act as if it was alive? Welcome to the future with Neryf's House Dev-Kit! This kit allows you to place a layer of conductive Neryf's blood and other special, technical engineering stuff to make your home feel alive and wonderful!

This donation item allows you to place invisible wiring and machines down in your house that is only visible while in the construction menu. The wiring can be connected to furniture and special tiles that interact with players and other furniture in the home, similar to Redstone Wiring in Minecraft but with the ability to be complex. This allows you to customize your house ten fold, and even add an interactive sort of home, or maybe even a dungeon of sorts!

Every special tile and furniture would have inputs and outputs that can be linked with wire that is linked to other machines through 'holding' the wire. This is only visible through the construction menu, and when you want to link two machines, you just click it's input/output button on the interface and then click another machine's input/output button. For example, a door can have a "Lock" input, an "Open" input, and a: "Status" and "Locked" output. This allows many creative things that allow complex house makers (like me) make really cool stuff.

Ideas below for certain devices that can be used with this idea. Honestly, there's a LOT that can be done, so this isn't a finished list. In fact, some of these ideas might be dumb. Who knows, just put em in there!

-Special Tiles Ideas-

"Conveyer Belt" - Moves players when stepped on and if activated. Has a delay between pushes to prevent abuse. (Inputs: Toggle. Outputs: On)
"Teleportation Circle" - Players can teleport to a certain tile if it has the "Location Beacon" tile on it. Only works on the same floor. (Inputs: TeleLocation, Send. Outputs: SteppedOn, Sent)
"Location Beacon" - Allows you to give coordinate information on a specific tile as an ouput. (Output: Location)
"Flip-Cannon" - Shoot your friends across your house! When triggered and someone is on it, it sends them flying in a certain direction until they hit something solid and opaque. (Input: Shoot, Output: Shooting)
"Ice Floor Generator" - Makes players skip a tile when walked on and activated. (Input: On, Output: Skipped)
"Button" - A button that can be pushed by a player! (Output: Pushed)
"Floor Button" - A button that can be stepped on by a player! (Output: Pushed)
"Password Recognizer" - Another type of button, but if someone says a certain set keyphrase, it activates! (Output: Activated)

-Special Gate Ideas-

Pretty much every Logic Gate Ever, such as...

Toggle Gate
Delay Gate
Anything else I've missed.

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