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More Event Tools for GM's - Dynamic Sigrogana
Exactly what it says on the title, I believe the GM's should be given more event tools and permissions.

These guys have been trusted to know their lore and their no-no's for events for a long time so I think its high time we give these guys more than local narrate and global narrate tools to their bag of fun.

Here are a list of tools/permissions that should be granted to the GM's for events.

1. Spawning of mobs in the middle of battles if it is going too easy/hard.

2. Full control of mobs within a fight as well as the ability to control multiple NPC's outside of fights within a single account for convenience and the permission to move and use their say/emote commands.

3. Similar to how campfire sites are created, GM's will be able to spawn custom icons and edit the text of their 'camp site' on the world map that can teleport players into a custom house of their design to set the atmosphere/battlefield. It is possible that GM's could simply be given the tools of the house editor for campsites to make on-the-fly locations.

4. Able to determine if a battle is a giant/spacey sized map for truly epic battles. Possibly give them a special custom battlefield item tool so that it can be further customized.


Lets face it. Sometimes things don't go the way as planned. Nobody is perfect, that's alright!

But given from what I have gathered from speaking with players that have organized event ideas with GM's; there are things that we should address.

1. The GM's are human [strike](Probably)[/strike]. It takes them time and focus to be managing every single detail of an event. The more grander the scope of the event is, the more prone it is to falling into some perpetual pits.

2. The players are human [strike](Probably)[/strike]. No matter how much psychology you study you're not going to predict every single move that players are going to make within an event which can lead to something commonly referred to 'railroading'.

This is where the master of the event forces their players into a single given route without much logical reason because this is what was originally planned. In my honest opinion this should never be even considered as a last resort because ultimately the event is for the players enjoyment and not a personal orchestra of your own.


Now that we've established that both the GM's and players are humans like you and me how can we avoid all the problems that come with it?

We could of course just plan things more accordingly and improvise with what transpires, for this is the true 'fun' that comes with roleplay! You never know what's going to happen but we can certainly have a range of consequences or rewards prepared for the player when it comes to running an event.

It also possible that the GM's may 'enlist' certain players that they can trust to roleplay as 'actors' for their events. Albeit this would require that they both agree that their characters are meant to be roleplayed as antagonists, they should never be one to steal the spotlight from the true players.

Once again, from what I have heard, GM's are not allowed to spawn/level up characters even for the purpose of an event, which is quite confusing to me honestly if the excuse is that players cannot be trusted with power; why did you pick those players that you do not trust in the first place to play an important role? (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)


I'm open to suggestions and critique. Do you think we should give GM's more precise tools and permissions? Is everything perfect the way it is?

Remember this is all so that we can make the game an even more dynamic and immersive experience!

EDIT: The ability to 'save' and 'customize' NPC's beforehand (Not certain if they can already do this on the fly) -- This has been confirmed to me that they already can do this.
[Image: tenor.gif]

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