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Lore Questions: December (2016)
Science related quesions:

1-what kind of advancements have been made technologically in terms of science (like what Qwarence did and also stuff like genes/mutation/other sciences)?

2-Based on that is it thinkable to have scientists devoted to taking apart and reconstructing monsters via Alchemy/Magic/whathaveyou?

3-How classified would such studies be in the countries?

4-Can this idea be used for events? (aka having some weird expermit nr. xy running around?)

5-A)Can we play a Scientist that does study that? (With GM approval?)B)Would the empire allow such experiments when supervised by them?

Unrelated questions:
-B.D.P Reports are mostly OOC with the Level info, but is there actually a way ICly to measure it´s danger level pre entering in some way?
-Same with Monsters? Could there be a way to ICly categorize them by maybe reading their focus or using some device? Maybe a F-S dangerrate system?

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