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Food For thought, First Edition:Summoner.
Yet another idea from the depths of my thoughts. What about if we disallow youkai to gain any buffs or healing from non-summoner classes, but give summoner or Grand Summoner ways to heal and support youkai on the feild, movement increases and such? This would prevent some of the cheese other classes can present such as my current combination of Grand Summoner and Priest. A consistent air of salt presents itself from the fact Priest can supply Sanctuary, Quickness from Curate, Brighten, and graft all youkai around the summoner. That being said though, the Summoner being the source of power and buffs to the youkai so that they don't just instantly die while the youkai being the one line of defense the summoner has seems fair to me. But this is just one option of many we have.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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