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Lore Questions: January (2017)
Hyoya questions:
1- Does Hyoya have it's own dialect, or is it all shared with Lispool?
2- What is the sword-type preference of a Hyoyain Soldier? Greatswords, Katanas, or?
2b- And armor-type? Heavy, Light, Unarmored?

Ki questions:
3- It has been said once that Ki is different from Focus and even stronger. So, is it similar to Dragon Ball Z's concept of Ki? In which allows the user to perform many inhuman features such as hover/fly for a limited amount of time, punch boulders with their bare fists and throw blasts of concentrated energy?

Body of Isesip questions:
4- Is it possible for a (normal Player Character) to punch through Body of Isesip's barrier in one hit?

Kinu question:
5- Why is Kinu apparently weaker than Ashe? Cockiness or skill?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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