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Boxer seems to be the biggest issue at the moment, it's so good, but not only that but Martial Artists in general have gained infamy as being the tankiest things on the server, tankier than any black knight or hexer should be, and that's absolutely disgusting.

Grand Summoner has risen in popularity as a tank class, not because it gives you inherit tankiness but because all of it's skills scale elemental attack, for example, one of my favorite characters before GR was a water mage, with 50 DEF/RES but like 42 VIT, that was their weakness pre-GR was the low HP, which was suiting because the character itself was a mechanation girl with a small, but dense frame.

But since GR, my favorite water damage class Grand Summoner has been thrown around left and right because of it's ability to build pure tank and do more damage than anyone in the game due to how elemental scaling works, for example that gif that Kameron8 posted was of my water mage doing the scummiest thing imaginable, spamming youkai spells, especially Parratea which heals damage as it deals damage, which is a catastrophic effect.

To further expand on this build, this girl was originally only meant to be a water mage, but due to water ATK being tied to VIT I feel guilty every day that this character is one of the tankiest and biggest magic damage dealers in the game, here's their stats, and they're able to nail people for 300 damage per parratea/drown/whirlpool usually.

[Image: 764e0e223a.png]
[Image: 77948319ff.png]

Not only that but my opinion is that some classes not meant to be tanks have been turning into tanks because VIT/DEF/RES are so overpowered when compared to Celerity, due to the change to %s, DEF and RES have become absolutely catastrophic at increasing your EFFECTIVE health pool, say someone has 800 health and 50% DR, which is mighty generous considering people are packing 70%+ these days, this 800 health tank effectively has 1600 health because he's only taking half the damage he should.

Further expanding on this, this is one of my highest effective health characters in the game currently.
[Image: 02867d722d.png]
[Image: b8cfcb6e41.png]
[Image: 26b7b3ca30.png]
[Image: ab8f69e4e2.png]

With all of these DRs (including one vs one) they are able to hit 73% total DR after all calculations, 1370/.27 would mean they effectively have 5074 health with all of these up, granted this setup has some weaknesses, but it is very strong, that being said this character's only form of actual damage is EI, they don't deal much damage otherwise.

Finally I'll be brought to self healing, as mentioned with Parratea, healing health is a huge deal, it effectively just diminishes anything your opponent can throw at you, this seems to be a huge issue with curates and glykins, Glykins having a racial that heals them passively and gives them poison immunity, and curates having access to Graft and Pheonix/Malmelo, though interference is a good counter to this, not everyone is rocking interference, and curates have a lot of status resist usually, like a dumb amount.

Those are two of my most prominent setups really, the healing tanks are just kind of unkillable walls of effective health until interference comes into play.

Side note:
Quote:Adversity tunic mutated into heavy armor (40% Damage reduction in group fights)
Do not believe this at all, adversity tunic isnt actually a problem you just need to not crowd around the person wearing it, that's all it is, also 40% damage reduction is only achieved if there are 5 people around the player, which in a 3v3 or 4v4, is not very likely at all.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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