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Why take people with me?
To be honest, not partying up speeds up the dungeon clearing since instead of 4 people taking turns, it will be 4 people taking 1 mob of monsters each. Easy fights are okay for people who want to boss rush, but like this it only makes Crazy dungeons fun. (Except when it's a 65+ Crazy. Those are impossible to solo without specific setups, a lot of PR-Hi Potions and faith in god.)

Although, the 'more monsters if you are in a party' serving as some sort of mini-bloodsoaked would be mostly welcome. (Or just making Bloodsoaked a curse you can get from a catalyst or a specific object/action/whatsoever thematic, like Haunted Soul.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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