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"MegaBlues" Wrote:The point was that losing your full turn is worse than gaining 50% DR, Dullahans omitted.

And my point is that it doesn't matter. Crowd Control simply does not work like that. You can't "nerf Crowd Control" because you don't like it. If that was fine, then you should be able to nerf Blind, Fear, and Hesitation because I don't like them either. Especially as an Arbalest, those things make it challenging near difficult for me to land a hit. And yet, those things are "balanced" by giving players the option to get by getting one of the Talents; they've basically received the "Knock Down" treatment as well. Like I said - Balance it like that, not just tell us what we already know.

If the problem is that an entire turn lost is "too much", then Snake's rework idea works just as well; which makes it function similar to Knock Down. Hell, you could just reduce the chances of the Stun happening with his "counter-idea" for Soldier and Black Knight Innates and make a matching Talent under the War Tab and pristo.

It's that simple.

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