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Stun Status Effect
So it's apparently a recent thing where anything that was Stunned for whatever reason also gained a 50% Damage Reduction for the duration the Stun. At some point, this got a bit buggy and the effect was remaining "somewhat permanent" as the target would be Stunned for the intended 1 Turn; however, their 50% Damage Reduction would persist until one did enough damage to the target to remove it.

Now, completely side-stepping the illogical idea that Stunned Enemies gain a 50% Damage Reduction (because it's honestly counter-productive to Stunning an enemy in the first place), the aforementioned bug was "resolved" by throwing on a "Stun Immunity" Effect of some sort to correct the "permanent status". Mind you, this effect seems to only prevent one from Stunning the same Target again in the next 2 Turns while also removing the actual Stun Effect after the said 2 Turns. The issue here, is that the 50% Damage Reduction actually lasts for 2 Turns instead of 1, like the actual Stun Effect does. In essence, I have spent some amount FP (24 FP for Blowback Cannon) or "gotten lucky" (proc'ing the Stun Effect from a Skullcaver) to Stun a Target for 1 Turn and give them 50% Damage Reduction for 2 Turns. It makes one question why they should bother using the Status Effect if after Stunning a Target there'd be better off focusing their attention on another Target for the next 2 Turns.

In truth, any Stunned Target should be punished and the idea of having any Damage Reduction on that Stunned Target at all is queer. You have done some means of "Crowd Control" on the Target, so why should they gain - any - benefit from that whatsoever? Isn't that the point of "Crowd Control" in the first place? To weaken them in some way and then punish them severely?

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