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That's exactly why, Chaos. To resist Magic Damage you need one billion types of preparation, between having a very good Cloak of Many Colors, Nullstone Gauntlet and specific class combinations that lie mostly in just Void Assassin or Ghost. While Physical Damage is easier to be blocked, since we have so many things that just straight up buff DEF or reduce Physical Damage without effort, such as Waraji or Defensive Knowledge skills, AND A PRAYER that increases Physical Damage Reduction by 5%.

I say Magic Damage is superior to Physical Damage not because of what I build specifically, but at the options the game gives to you to resist it, that don't escape Elemental Resistance and raw RES most of the time. Just think about it. How come all my suggestions to change from Physical to Magical printed such an impact on the damage output of those skills?

--And anyway, before I drift off topic, why not both 'Half of the damage taken' + 'Caps at LV200'?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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