04-23-2017, 09:06 PM
I begin first by stating I actually adore Zeran lore. I love the culture that is fleshed out about them in various strongholds, I love the race itself for the sheer factor of what their demeanor and stances on 'pride' tend to be. Could go on all day about it.
Point is I'd love to see more reasons for them to be played. I am for a buff to Crown of Heaven through this way; or just 'some' way to make it be something people would actually build towards. The same goes towards Superiority, which could also use a buff as its effects are lack-luster (as possibly still buggy). Superiority could even be changed into the 'new' passive that Snake suggested, really.
Point is I'd love to see more reasons for them to be played. I am for a buff to Crown of Heaven through this way; or just 'some' way to make it be something people would actually build towards. The same goes towards Superiority, which could also use a buff as its effects are lack-luster (as possibly still buggy). Superiority could even be changed into the 'new' passive that Snake suggested, really.
Dyrnwyn, ERUPT, and IGNITE!