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Too fast offense
That's not a bad idea, I could definitely see the benefit and balance that could be gained from that and wouldn't be opposed to seeing that implemented. However, my biggest concern is that oftentimes people use Fast Offense when they're already in range and will likely seize the opportunity to spam attack twice in a round. I see where you're going with the halved scaling on attacks, but at the end of the day, that's still equal to a fully powered attack. For example:

Turn 1: Fast Offense + Summon Youkai + Youkai Skill (1/2) + Youkai Skill (1/2)
Turn 2: Summon Youkai + Youkai Skill (1/2) + Youkai Skill (1/2) + Summon Youkai + Youkai Skill (1/2) + Youkai Skill (1/2) + Turn 1 Youkai Skill (1)

If you do the math to calculate how much damage is done within two turns alone, [(1/2 * 6) + 1)], it still deals a total of 4 full damage in said span of two turns. If each skill deals 200 to 10 RES characters and 135 to 40 RES characters (for example, don't take that too literally), that's still a staggering 800 damage to 10 RES characters and 540 damage to 40 RES characters in two turns from Youkai alone.

The last thing I want to do is sound like I'm challenging or disagreeing with you Ranylyn, I assure you. I just think that the theory is great on paper, but in scenario testing, it still seems pretty one-sided towards Bonders. I just think the damage output for Youkai is horrific and adding a whole new status effect for Youkai to try and counteract this, and possibly fail at doing the job justice, is asking a bit much when a solution could very well be just restricting the number of Youkai that benefit from it, for example.
Discord: Selfish Gene#0139
[Image: lClrhgZ.png]

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