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Lore Questions: April (2017)
"Raigen.Convict" Wrote:So, another question of youkai, are they capable of communicating with the summoner while not summoned? Perhaps telepathy or something of the sort?

If so is this communication a two way process? (as in you can have mental conversations.)

Yes, summoners and youkai can communicate telepathically while the youkai is not summoned.

"Spoops" Wrote:How long can a seal on magic last for typically? Would the length depend on how powerful the sealing was? (Based on Whynnesfelt)

Long ago you said stealing magic was treated about as illegally as ripping a page from a book, would you care to enlighten how much of a misdemeanor this is? After all, if a spell is stolen even in a spar its returned to the mage shortly after, so whats the real harm here?

1)Depends on the source but it's usually brief, maybe an hour tops.

2) It's not really a serious crime but it's still on the level of vandalizing. If it's a spar, I don't think anyone's going to report you, so I don't know why that's an issue.

"Soapy" Wrote:Since we only really have the perspective of dungeon diving adventurers, how do certain types of work typically pay? (Tailoring, carpentry, butchering, cooking, farming, housekeeping, etc.)

Dullahans have poor memory of their former life, but how bad is it, exactly?

Do Leporidae have tails?

Would a Wyverntouched lose their poisonous bite upon becoming a Vampire?

Can Papilions just hang out in the Deepwood without issue?

What would happen if a Shaitan went into a Dark Zone?

Obviously it depends on the individual, but how do vampires tend to racially identify? For example, would most lupine vampires consider themselves vampires and lupines, or just vampires that used to be lupines?

How much of an inconvenience is it for a Lich to have their vessel destroyed?
Are there any good ways to handle liches in general, short of somehow finding their phylactery?

How does Glykin blood affect a vampire, exactly? I've seen it roleplayed as being anywhere from causing food poisoning to effectively swallowing acid.

How are insane/suicidal people generally dealt with? (Someone engaging in public self-harm, for example.)

Is Remedia affiliated with the church/capable of healing magic? More importantly, is she single?

Is it possible for any intelligent non-humanoid creatures to be vampires? Dragons, wyverns, and the such.

I trimmed a few of these I couldn't/didn't want to answer since there are so many, sorry about that.

1) It depends on the region and general supply and demand. Since there aren't many enterprises, most people who do these things are self employed, and so the value of the things they produce varies from place to place. I would say it certainly doesn't pay as well as adventuring but it's also a whole hell of a lot less dangerous.

2) Extremely poor and extremely fragmented. They may only remember a few details, or a few important people, but not know why they were important, etc.

3) They can.

4) Yes.

5) Technically, although the longer you spend in the Deepwood, the less sane you get, even for Papilions.

6) They would die.

7) Typically vampires identify themselves as vampires.

8) It's just a matter of time before they reform so it depends on how patient they are.
8A) The best solution for something you can't kill is typically negotiation. Liches probably shouldn't be a pest, anyway, since the more people they annoy or upset are more people who might try and find their phylactery.

9) Drinking it is, for them, like swallowing acid, acid that not only tastes horrible, but makes you feel ill for a week afterwards, and if you drink enough of it, might actually kill you for realsies. Like a big glass of Sunny D, if Sunny D were made from actual sunlight.

10) Prison or asylum, some may be treated by Mercalans.

11) She is just a normal doctor. No, she's not single. Sorry fellas/girls.

12) In theory.

"Kavoir" Wrote:How long has the dark Bard movement been going on roughly? Like 100s of years. A decade?

What does Zeran society think about the whole thing?

1) Two decades seems about right.

2) Not really their taste, as they prefer the classics, I guess?

"Stenzio" Wrote:How potent is a Phenex's 'Revive' racial skill? How close to the brink of death could it revitalize someone, or stabilize them?

How exactly does 'From the Ashes' work? Does it happen when they are near death or just about to die to revitalize them, or is it more than that? How severe of wounds can it heal in that near death situation if at all, in either case?

EDIT: I believe I heard this before but, do the arcane bullets from Magic Gunner lower life expectancy on the user? And if so how? I recall it being this way, but cannot find the source/answer on it again.

1) About as effective as Mercalan magic. As long as they're still alive, it should work.

2) It doesn't necessary need to be close to death, any significant beating will trigger it.

3) No. You may be thinking of Gene Starwind's gun from Outlaw Star. IIRC, those bullets did lower his life expectancy.

"Yogripper" Wrote:Okay, so I have a few questions about how Kaelensia would interact with one another in Egwyn.

I get that Egwyn is a peaceful place but because of it being inhabited by large animals do the people practice something? Also, if they do would some Kaelensia tribes that are peaceful warriors that follow their races Deity and interact with the shamans, meaning they are more akin to magic in a form similar to Onigan Shamans?

My other question also ties into my previous one but, would these Kaelensia participate in friendly combat with one another whenever they meet up at Kaellia, this being the way they keep peace among all the different tribes?

1) They are taught to fight and hunt because Egwyn is dangerous. It's just that there's no political conflicts of note, usually.
2) Sure, Kaelensia typically like to fight anyway.

"Lonestar" Wrote:How long does it take for a Zeran to regrow their horns incase they break off?

Depends on the level of damage, but I'd say around 4 months for a complete heal.

"GSM" Wrote:I know I am extremely late but I have questions about Monk's ki. Considering Monks are DBZ, I'm just going to have a bunch of questions about this.

1) I know Shukuichi is just moving extremely fast, but is there a way to use ki in order to fly (at least RP wise)?

2) How difficult is it to make your own unique ki attacks? Things like waves similar to Kadouha would be simple, but what else is there, and how hard is it to make?

3) Are the only types of ki attacks just the sphere and wave type, or are there more that are less commonly used?

4) Is something like expanding your muscles (Super Vegeta, Super/Ultra Trunks, and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly style) possible with ki, provided it has the same drawbacks?

5) What are the actual limits for a ki user to attain? On the scale of: small island busting, continental, small moon, planetary?

6) Is it possible for Golden Glow to influence your physical appearance for a 'transformation'? Provided, it's just a color/hair change in lieu of Super Saiyan?

7) What is the common opinion of NPCs about ki? Is it just smoke and mirrors- Mr. Satan sweats nervously- or do people see ki as it actually is?

8) Are there leagues or teams of Monks, that all train together, at least in lore?

9) Does rage and powerful emotion amplify ki, a la Gohan mode?

10) Finally, can attacks like Vegito's/Salza's/Goku Black's/Zamasu's ki blades be replicated?

EDIT: 11) Are ki barriers able to be made to defend yourself and others, at the drawback of defending against the attacks with your ki instead of your body, and making it large enough to protect others? At least, RP wise, not mechanically?

Oh boy. I'll try and answer a few of these, but my answer for some of them might be similar.

1) No.
2) Would depend on the skill level of the user. It's much more flexible than magic.
3) Yes.
4) Most likely.
5) Fairly limited, you aren't going to be destroying the moon or anything. You could probably take on a squad of guys if you were really good.
6) Sure.
7) It might as well be magic to them for all they understand.
8) Yes. The Verglas are a good example.
9) Slightly.
10) There was going to be a new skill similar to Vegito's Spirit Sword when I updated Monk a while back, but I never did add it. That is to say that I would say, yes, it wouldn't be a huge stretch in my mind.
11) Ki is more offensively oriented so I would say no.

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