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QoL changes for pets, please
Pets could use some love and updates. From what I can tell, in the recent major "touching up" update the game got, pets were forgotten about. Here is a small list of things I would like to see implemented to help polish pets, in order of my personal opinion on their importance;

1) Please, please, please give us the option to set face icons for pets. This is so vital, I assumed it was an option present and I just couldn't find it. I was surprised when I was told it's not possible! For something that can be fleshed out with its own profile (and be a major part of a character - like what I'm personally working on currently) I was really crestfallen to see I'm stuck with the pet's icon next to its name for pet-say/pet-emote - which is very off in resolution in the chat window, completely off in quality, and just doesn't fit at all. It is very jarring when trying to play the thing.

2) Can pets get the same fancy, polished profile window that players get? Even if it's optional. All of my time spent playing this game was spent seeing very pretty profile windows, and the plain, solid-fill-background pop-up window that pets apparently get was a very jarring drop from that quality. If I double click on Jammers in the arena, they get the nice window - so pets can too, right?

3) Pet aliases, with appropriate toggle switch?

4) Being able to double click free roaming pets to see their profiles (like you can with players) would be nice.

5) Can the pet name cap be a little more lenient? You're not allowed many characters currently.

6) A HUD icon for pet toggling?

[strike]7) I'm not sure about this one, but are pets remembered and resummoned upon login? If not, could their summoning status be remembered and re-cast when logging in?[/strike] Nevermind, this function already exists.

This would greatly improve things, even for people with run of the mill, non-sentient pets. I was really disappointed with my pet kit purchase this morning - it feels more like I bought decoration for my character icon, rather than the actual pet/companion I was hoping to make.

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