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Why We Play
Addiction? It just feels like Dev stole my soul with his game. That might be the reason I play this.

Just kidding (partially). I can relate to that, I've made and ruined many friendships thanks to this cursed game and a civil war simulator of community. One of the parts pointed at that post which caught my attention was the lazy part.
People got lazy, and their standards raised by a fucktouple since the first time the event tools have been used ever, and started expecting high quality 'this and that' coming from anything, and the main 'fun' people expect comes more from a spooky ghost narrating things and then mobs being spawned from nowhere. This is already boring because it's the only thing that ever happens when the word 'event' is mentioned.

A lot of things are dug deep in the sands of past, and you know what I really miss too? Chimera Enterprises, and small edgy non-PvP related events that you can actually live your character in, the ones that are mostly storytelling. Those are not just 'fun' but satisfying.

Also when the Arena was full of people who wanted to PvP for fun and for the sake of winning 'ye olde rock scissors paper' (my HOME PLACE, I'll never forget the days of Faker ;_;7), instead of Boxers and Hexers everywhere, now the place is devoid of people most of the time because nobody wanna be BS'd to death, and people take SL2's PvP too seriously.
One loss in a spar is "the end of the world!! must fruit!! oh my god this cant be happening! I'm the best i should had not lost this fight who's selling fruit of fluidity?!", and no, this is not a made-up example. This actually happened but not like I typed, around it tho'.

But anyway, I guess that 'for now' I only play SL2 because I don't have anything better to do with my life. The game has already ran stagnant in my mouth and I could care less about anything but the newer updates so I can strive for something while I can. (Such as those potentials). Because once the 'update' enchant runs out in my eyes and brain, I'll be back being a suffocated RPer who resorts to memeing or falling asleep due to the boredom.

I still hold my words, it's a game that is supposed to be fun and casual. But if people are not making it fun for me due to it being a sandbox or just taking it too seriously and competitively, then I'll make my own fun, and they might not enjoy it. Heck, if I wanted to be in a competitive game, I'd be better trying to grind my ELO up in League, or just simply playing Dragon Universe.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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