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Suggesting a New class, Aroma/Chemist
I'd like to see a new class within the game, And i think i have something that might be interesting.

Let me start by explaining the concept...
Alchemists are a thing, So my thought was Chemical War-fare.
If we need a spot on the class sheet to put it, It'd have to be something either rogue related since they use chemicals in their traps, Or it'd be in the curate tree since this class will be mostly on support related.
It'll be fighting using aromas and chemicals to fight stuff, A class that debuffs and buffs indirectly, With field effects.

Onto the more detailed things i've thought of for such a new class/job...
The weapon(s)
I personally want the class to be proficiant with light weight weapons, So axes won't be a class specialty. The reason why light, is because they already need to carry around chemicals and be quick on their toes to mix the chemicals on the fly. We already have enough sword classes, So i'd like to avoid that as well. As far as weapons go, I was thinking either knives/daggers and/or fists for this class.

A quick rundown on how it'll be run and kept balanced(To a degree)
Much like how lantern bearers use lanterns for their skills, I was thinking about having something similar, but not in the equipment slot. Perhaps like how we have the new medical tools, We can get stocks of various chemicals, Maybe from that doctor guy in Dormeho that you do that one quest for.
I'd like to suggest having some kind of limit to the amount of each chemical you can carry, and the over all amount of chemicals you can have at anyone time. You have to know what your doing with alchemy anyway, so a bit of brains required wouldn't hurt, So even if there is some kind of over powered skill, It can be regulated with these limits. Perhaps like 5-20 of any specific chemical, and a total of 80ish chemicals on your person at anytime, Should you go over the limit, The vials will crack and be unusable, But only the ones that go over the limit. They're likely stored in vials, Aka glass, So weight and quantity is going to be an issue.

Onto the skills and how they'll work.
You mix said chemicals you bought from a npc, found, or made yourself, Depending on how it'll be implemented(if at all).
It'll use more FP then most melee classes, But still less FP than magic classes. The reason to this is the way it'll use their focus to help spread the aroma and chemicals around the battle field. I want the skills to affect a larger radius then most skills and even some effecting the entire battle field. Similar to how the Lantern Bearer skills effect half the battle map, That kind of range.

Heres the part where this class has to take caution.
It can affect both allies and foes, So keep the range of everyone in consideration when using skills.(Excluding yourself, Unless specified.)

Skills i've thought of so far.
A healing aroma-mist, Heals everything within the area of effect. Effect will be based on a max amount x rank.(Think of a Mass Graft, But without the extra M cost to use Mass first, Make it slightly less effective than graft, But a built in aoe heal)

A Flam-Mist, Creates a small area of mist on the battle field that is highly flamable. The Aroma-Chemist is highly suggested to move out of range if a fire attack is expected to happen, Even if it's from a friendly ally.(Extra fire damage from friend or foe, In range, For 1 round.)(Support, No way to trigger it yourself.)

A Chemical mist that burns the eyes of anyone even the caster for varied rounds. (Inflicts Blind) Think how onions bother your eyes, But on a larger scale, With toxic chemicals.

An Aromatic mist that can confuse your senses, Making you fearful of your surroundings.(Inflicts Fear) (like how certain drugs make you trip balls and scared out of your mind.)

A poisonous Mist, I'd like the poison to be based on Acid Attack.

Various Aromas that confuse you and your allies senses, Making you braver, or feel stronger. (Small buff to various stats.(ie. One that makes you feel relaxed, brave, Smart, Tough as if you're on the top of the world. Chemicals that trick your allies perception and mind.)

That's about all i've thought of in terms of skills, But it'll be based off chemical war-fare, Alchemists, And Aroma-Therapy.

Short summary: Primarily a support class, Which skills are mostly augmentation to your allies, yourself, and your foes. Almost no direct attack skills. Medium range FP costs. ((Chemical carry limit. Have to mix two or more chemicals to have various effects.)Optional, Can have it just be a support type of magic based on alchemy.) Light weight weapons. Armor shouldn't matter. Aromas won't affect Dullahans or Liches since one is Ether and doesn't have a physical form that can smell, Dullahans are walking armor with no way to smell. Mechs will still be affected since some might be able to taste or smell things(Never fiddled much with mechs.)

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