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Armor (Also Weathered Body)
The actual Armor stat is, for the most part, irrelevant. When choosing a piece of armor to wear, I feel like most people don't care about the armor's actual stats and only consider the effects the piece actually gives.

I would like it if Armor did something more important than just a flat reduction to damage taken. Maybe if it was added to Physical and Magical Resistance, or was turned into Damage Resistance instead.

I was thinking about this because of the restrictions of Weathered Body. Why would anyone give up 10% DR for, say, -3 Damage taken from either physical or magical damage? There's no decision to make, you just put on a Cloak of Many Colors or Armor of Eyes and call it a day, because no one in their right mind would pass it up for armor in its current state. So I think the Armor requirement should just be removed, and another one added. Such as not the passive requiring no Torso to be equipped (denying its effects, which again, are more important than armor).

You don't see anyone using Pure Power from Evoker because of this issue, but in reverse; losing an item slot and effect isn't worth a both small and flat increase in damage, just like losing a few points of flat damage reduction isn't worth losing your scaling damage reduction.

This ended up rambling, but the main point of the thread is to make Armor actually matter. Everything else was just to make a point.

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