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y te castigaré en el nombre... de la Luna!
Shitty western joke aside, I think it's time we take a look back (since it's been over a year apparently) upon the Moonlight Mercy. This was sort of not the case in the past, but with recent nerfs to other things, Quickdraw Gunners have come back to being a thing. Except they use a Quickdraw.

With a side-rifle of a Moonlight Mercy. They almost never fire the damn thing. They use it simply for the fact that it gives the gunner (who usually builds for high-crit) +24 damage on every shot, when the gunner can pump out 10-15 shots a turn. Crit, once again, is still stupidly easy to build (especially since remains are now a thing), while crit evade is tied with FAI AND LUC (with Crit being SKI AND LUC).

Most people won't have FAI unless their build calls for it, and LUC is in mostly the same light. While a crit-build will want both of those for +HIT (and usually +DMG because of scaled weapon attack).

This could bother getting looked into, considering just how much sheer damage this combination does against anyone that isn't BK + LUC + FAI built.

Thoughts and feedback would be welcome

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