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Mediocre by Intelligent Design
As with Humans, I've gathered Mechs aren't very well off and are very poorly defined. Best I could tell, Standard was supposed to be a close-up brawler, Cabal a caster, Agile a go-fast bot, and Raid a glass cannon. I'm not married to the idea of these being strictly in addition to other racials or as replacements. I expect them to end up, if anything, changed and added in with the existing racials making a gestalt.

Quote:Standard Type
+1 Battle Weight per 1 scaled Sanctity

Quote:Cabal Type
-1 FP cost to Spells per 10 scaled Sanctity

Quote:Agile Type (Can't make up my mind on this one since I lack the expertise to know which would be better)
+1 move per 14 scaled Sanctity
+1 Cel for the purposes of determining turn order per 4 scaled Sanctity

Quote:Raid Type
May equip weapons of Rarity of 1 + 1 per 9 scaled Sanctity regardless of classes or talents
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!

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