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Basic Attack fix's impact
Adding about 15-25 power to each basic attack isn't going to fix what's inherently broken and the disparity between autohits and basic attacks.

Neither will adding durability cost to autohits (aside from make Rustic just not be used anymore). Neither will increasing FP costs. FP costs only really matter in a fight between someone and a tank. And even then, HMC trivializes a decent amount of the 'cost' of spamming the shit out of autohits.

Basic Attacks, at a baseline, are 100% SWA to 1 person. **If** you crit (which pretty much screams be a duelist so you can get the most out of your crits), you can do upwards of 200% SWA to that one person and apply on-hit effects of the weapon (which, on a 120 swa weapon, is still only **240 damage**) Now % defense is applied, alongside armor, and any outright DR. Basic attack damage drops fast against a tank. Against a dodger, there's a chance that you either do not hit (wasting momentum) (copied more-or-less by Geist Schritt), or you hit and they take the full brunt of your hit with their likely 5-20 defense and unarmored torso defense. Meaning that they are taking a shitton more than a tank, and are forced to build a defense that won't always work.

Autohits, conversely, get to almost always have 100% SWA as a baseline. Not only this, they generally come with an AoE attack radius, elemental augment (Helllooo lightning crits), and more. Retreating swipe, iirc, is 120% SWA and gets to attack 5 tiles around you. Magic spells (such as Famiuga) can get 100% SWA + 120%~ ice attack factored in. I've seen a Famiuga hit a man for 300+ damage without a weakness. That's just not okay.

Glancing blows should help balance this out, at least making dodgy atleast somewhat reliable instead of "talk shit get hit" meta, but even then dodging is a joke unless you have the 7-12 momentum required to apply each and every buff that you need to dodge properly (of which, people can just smack your ass with -percentage dodge and just topkek you to death, but thats a story for another day.)

So, I'm fine with glancing blows coming around first before we decide to add double weapon power

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