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Lore Questions: October & November (2017)
"Skullcatrons" Wrote:1. Outside of mechanical gameplay, how would you explain that Black water causes your faith to stop working?

2.How do one goes about becoming an ASAGO employee?

3. Had Goblins, in any point of recorded history, ever been able to accomplish more than living inside their cave?

4. According to lore information, What did Black General Phobo do after he claimed elves were the enemy?

5. Do creatures dwelling in the Black Doors goes out, and terrorizes the local?
5a. If so, how often do they terrorize the locals?

6. How do Lispoolians feel in general about Chataran? Vice versa?

EDIT v2:

7. Is Alma, the black knight mercenary, a man or a woman?

Edit v3:

8. On SL1, Karaten was a floating city. What is status of Karaten as of now in SL2?

Edit v4:

9. Considering the idea. Ignoring the undead Null species, can any other species be capable of being given intelligence similar to that of a human?

1) It taints the ground beneath your feet and overpowers it, essentially.
2) You don't.
3) Not really, no.
4) Requires some clarification.

5) No.
6) Well, as you'd expect, a country that worships a goddess who is very anti-war, and a nation that is pretty much founded on the business of war, don't get along very well in general.

7) Alma is a man.
8) Karaten is a normal city for the most part, but has a lot of towers.

9) I'm not sure what's being asked here but I guess it's something along the lines of 'are there any creatures as smart as mortals?', and the answer is yes. Youkai can be just as intelligent as a mortal, for example.

"Argonus" Wrote:I'd love to know more about Geistritters. Do they still exist? What sort of supernatural foes do they deal with? What methods do they use? Could a PC be a Geistritter? Do they get sweet looking uniforms? What happens when you cross the beams?

1) Yes.
2) Ghosts, supernatural occurences, earthbound spirits, possessed entities, etc.
3) Various kinds of exorcism or spirit commune, but it varies.
4) Yes.
5) Yes.
6) Don't.

"Blissey" Wrote:Did Elves on/from Mersales know about Iahsus/ever saw Iahsus in the sky? If so, what kind of interpretation did they take of Iahsus, and if they have ever witnessed a Black Eclipse (which, I'm sure many old Elves have), what would their take on it be?

1) Yes.
2) They consider it an unnatural, malevolent entity of unknown origin.

"Raigen.Convict" Wrote:In SL 1 Youkai could have mutations on them when contracted... Does the same happen here?

To what level would said mutations occur? Say, A Seiryuu with arms, to one without. To a Carbuncle that has wings, two tails and a third eye.

1) They don't really mutate anymore, no. There are some variations between Youkai of the same type (or some that become a new type altogether, like Jhun), but we'll probably get to that in-game at some point.

"Snake" Wrote:Questions for October 2018:

- Can Mages (or witch-themed ones at least) hover/fly on brooms?

1) Hovering is probably no big deal, yes.

"Kameron8" Wrote:Do Umbrals naturally fade out even when in doors? Or does the effect only occur outside?

Only outdoors or otherwise when exposed to moonlight.

"YamiTaicho" Wrote:1 - Is there any normal way for a normal human to inherit the power of a god?

2- Is there a way to talk with the emperor?

1) Possibly, it's said that Tennou Myoga gained the power of a god somehow.
2) Yes, though he is not particularly interested in talking with others unless it's directly in his interests.

"GSM" Wrote:1. About the screaming metal birds to and from Oniga bit on lore. Are these just a legend, or are these backable and with enough evidence? And would these be basically airplanes as we have today?

2. Last month you said vampire feeding has been thoroughly explained, but it went from needing focus from the blood to feed, to needing blood (at least with hemoglobin), and that vampires feeding off of one another went from taboo but effective to taboo but completely ineffective. Can you clarify, please?

3. What are the finer details of the afterlife if, hypothetically, the spirit passes through Lazarus?

4. The fist mage, Nen Grander, was attributed to have saying that a wyvern was the hardest thing he’s ever punched, according to the Band of the Wyvern’s description. Do we know how hard a wyvern is, and how powerful Nen was?

5. Does Oniga fashion its katanas from sand and glass it into steel (vastly oversimplifying) like real-world Japanese do, or do they use actual steel from the beginning?

6. What is the average life expectancy (human years) between the Great Six?

7. Do the Reapers have a defined culture, other than collecting bones and serving in Lazarus?
7a. On that note, what is their governing body like in Darkside, and has there ever been a conflict involving Reapers?

1) They're mostly an urban legend. You have some eye-witness accounts of seeing or hearing them, but nothing concrete.
2) Could you link the individual things you're talking about?
3) The spirit wanders in Lazarus for the rest of time, essentially. Some believe they dream of their past life as they do so.
4) A wyvern's actual scales are very tough, like a leathery metal, almost. In terms of hardness, I'd say they're very hard. Nen's level of power depends on your definition of 'power' but in terms of punches, it was said he could punch through stone walls if he cared to.
5) I'd say that both methods have been used, depending on the smith.
7) What culture there is should be described in the racial description or past lore questions.

"Spoops" Wrote:If used constantly, will Ki Awoken eventually permanently damage its user similar to void poisoning?

If so, in what way would it hurt the user? Does it have the possibility of fatality at some point?

It would probably destroy your body, yes. Tearing your muscles or putting too much stress on your bones, and likewise for your internal organs.

"Kavoir" Wrote:Could a device designed to work on Salamander Structure power be converted to run on pure Fire magic? If so could you convert it to work on a different type of magic?

Magic in general is just focus given form. In theory you could power anything that uses the SS with enough focus, although this is not really practical.

"Inconspicuous Kitty" Wrote:So, what would a Naga's grocery bill look like?
Joking phrasing aside, more specifically - if their anatomy functions similar to a snake being, well, half snake and at a human's height, how much more, if any, do Naga eat than humans and the like?

1) I think they'd eat a little more than average just to make up for the extra size, but probably not much. Varies from person to person obviously.

"Spoops" Wrote:I have a couple more questions actually:

In the past, you stated that Illusion can hurt people in just about any way as long as they believe it, from an IC perspective could Illusion do the opposite, and 'heal' people as a result of this?

What kind of limitations would this impose if it could?

1) I would say it'd only help 'heal' illusionairy wounds. Obviously you won't be able to use a limb you don't have, even if you are tricked into thinking it grew back, for example.

"GSM" Wrote:One last question so I can stop staying up at night.

Are dark elves a thing, even if only cosmetically? Like how in Dungeons and Dragons, there are the Drow, et cetera. Is there an equivalent in SL2?

1) Not at the moment but I don't like to rule anything out for the future.

"Inconspicuous Kitty" Wrote:Some more question(s).

The Phase Python is an interesting youkai. What causes it to phase in and phase out? Is it attributed to something, like the void or time?
When you phase-fang, you end up elsewhere. Is this at random lore-wise?
What's going on when it phases out? Is it just invisible, and harder to hit/moving faster, or does it actually phase out? When it teleports you behind an enemy, is that by choice or is it just a side effect of phasing out with it's fang?

Likewise, it's function of moving back to where you began the turn, circumstances permitting. Why there?

1) It's just a power that PP has, really. It has supernatural speed.
2) No, it's pretty deliberate on PP's part.
3) See 1.
4) See 2.
5) No real reason, it's just the way the skill works.

"Blissey" Wrote:Are Doriads warm?
Can they root themselves to feed, much like normal plants would?
If so, do they produce sugar and oxygen, like plants do?
Honestly, are Doriads just humanoid plants (aside from the fact they're Spirits, but for science. . .) with most if not all functionality of a plant?
Did Doriads feed via photosynthesis when they were just trees? I'm assuming yes for this one, because they were. . . Trees.
Can Doriads speak to other plant-life, flora, etc.?

I will be adding these answers to be Wiki, as well as any other answers to questions I've asked. . . It's only fair.

1) Yes.
2) No.
3) No.
4) Kinda sorta not really. They're more human than plant.
5) Yes.
6) In some simple respect, yes. It's mostly an emotion based communication, however.

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