11-21-2017, 03:11 AM
"Spoops" Wrote:That's a hefty frostbite level for a 1m skill, I think evoker should have its own merits with Verglas so I think it should just be lowered a little bit.The only thing this skill has over Intensify Cold is the momentum cost, not even counting the generous Ice ATK boost Evoker will grant Verglas in order to make IC cause frostbite. A snowball will go nowhere towards throwing Evoker's merits to Verglas out the window; otherwise, Yuki-onna would've dethroned Intensify Cold ages ago.
The only lowering this skill needs is the Ice ATK scaling. A 1m Frostbite enabler shouldn't be going more than 50% of your elemental ATK, considering that the same class can wreck the opponent's ice resistance easily. Otherwise, I have absolutely no problem with Verglas getting this skill.
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye